Last updated April 9, 12:10 (less than a minute ago)
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(26 trunc.)" }, { "id": 6976, "comment": "New T-0.", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Cosmic_Penguin", "created_on": "2024-03-14T11:05:56Z", "profile_image": " ... (26 trunc.)" }, { "id": 6974, "comment": "Livestream has started", "info_url": "", "created_by": "LL2", "created_on": "2024-03-14T06:00:49Z", "profile_image": " ... (12 trunc.)" }, { "id": 6964, "comment": "Setting GO", "info_url": "", "created_by": "hitura-nobad", "created_on": "2024-03-13T20:04:51Z", "profile_image": " ... (25 trunc.)" }, { "id": 6886, "comment": "Added launch window per marine navigation warnings. Launch date is pending FAA launch license modifi ... (16 trunc.)", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Cosmic_Penguin", "created_on": "2024-03-06T18:00:47Z", "profile_image": " ... (26 trunc.)" }, { "id": 6881, "comment": "NET March 14, pending regulatory approval", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Nosu", "created_on": "2024-03-06T07:50:36Z", "profile_image": " ... 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