Last updated April 9, 12:09 (less than a minute ago)
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(26 trunc.)" }, { "id": 5613, "comment": "Added launch window.", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Cosmic_Penguin", "created_on": "2023-11-04T17:32:13Z", "profile_image": " ... (26 trunc.)" }, { "id": 5583, "comment": "Added launch time.", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Cosmic_Penguin", "created_on": "2023-11-01T16:11:08Z", "profile_image": " ... (26 trunc.)" }, { "id": 5578, "comment": "Reportedly targeting November 12", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Nosu", "created_on": "2023-10-31T20:13:37Z", "profile_image": " ... (25 trunc.)" }, { "id": 5455, "comment": "NET November 2023.", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Cosmic_Penguin", "created_on": "2023-10-19T06:14:40Z", "profile_image": " ... (26 trunc.)" }, { "id": 5417, "comment": "NET late October", "info_url": "", "created_by": "Nosu", "created_on": "2023-10-14T09:56:29Z", "profile_image": " ... 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